  • #TBWC23


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    The European Commission is the EU’s executive body. It represents the interests of the whole European Union. The Commission’s main roles are to propose legislation which is then adopted by the co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers; enforce European law (where necessary with the help of the Court of Justice of the EU); set objectives and priorities for action, outlined yearly in the Commission Work Program, and work towards delivering them, as well as managing and implementing EU policies, the budget, and representing the Union outside Europe. The European Commission’s has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and some services are also in Luxembourg. The Commission has Representations in all EU Member States and 139 Delegations across the globe. More information
    ICEX Spain Trade and Investment is a public corporation at the national level aimed to promote the internationalisation of Spanish companies to support their competitiveness and add value to the economy, as well as attracting foreign investment to Spain. ICEX Spain Trade and Investment renders its services through a network of 31 Provincial and Regional Divisions in Spain along with almost 100 Economic and Trade Offices around the world. It also boasts 16 Business Centres worldwide, offering Spanish companies temporary infrastructure and acting as incubators for internationalisation. Every year, ICEX organizes around 1.200 promotional activities in foreign markets and answers over 90.000 queries on internationalization More information
    SmartCAT is the strategy of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya which extends the concept of Smart City to a country-wide level to carry out a program that integrates and coordinates local initiatives and supralocal, support companies and deploy Smart initiatives throughout the territory. SmartCAT aims to turn Catalonia into an “Smart Country” of international reference that takes advantage of the use of digital technology and information to innovate in public services, drive economic growth and promote a smarter, more sustainable and integrator. More information
    Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Council) is a local public authority that provides technical, economic and technological support to the 311 municipalities in the province of Barcelona, fostering quality local services throughout the region. Its mission is to ensure progress and well-being for all the citizens in the territory by providing services to people, either directly or, above all, in cooperation with the municipalities themselves. To this end, Diputació de Barcelona is determined to become a Smart Region: a community of Smart Villages and Smart Cities in which technology and citizens are the main drivers of change to achieve social, environmental and economic development for all, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More information
    The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is the public administration of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, which occupies 636 km² and encompasses 36 municipalities with more than 3.2 million inhabitants. The metropolitan area is a territorial, social, demographic, economic and cultural entity formed during the last century as a product of the growth and connection of urban systems around the city of Barcelona. This is the largest metropolitan conurbation in the western Mediterranean, which generates half of the GDP in Catalonia. The new public metropolitan administration replaces the three entities existing until 2011: Union of Municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Environmental Agency and Transport Metropolitan Agency. This new AMB rationalises and simplifies the metropolitan governance by creating a single administration. More information
    C40 Cities

    C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere, can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. 

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    Council of European Municipalities and Region – CEMR

    The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is a prominent European organisation representing local and regional governments across the continent. With a rich history of advocacy and collaboration, CEMR serves as a vital platform for sharing knowledge, fostering cooperation, and advocating for the interests of over 150,000 local and regional authorities. CEMR plays a pivotal role in shaping European policies and promoting the principles of local democracy, subsidiarity, and territorial cohesion. Through its diverse initiatives, CEMR empowers local and regional governments to address common challenges, exchange best practices, and contribute to a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous Europe.
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    EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities, with over 200 of Europe’s largest cities to improve the lives of over 130 million residents across 38 countries. We work in all areas of interest for cities, from culture to mobility, environment to social affairs, economic development to smart cities. We facilitate learning experiences between cities and represent cities’ interests towards the European Union. EUROCITIES is committed to working towards a common vision of a democratic, sustainable future in which all citizens can enjoy a good quality of life. More information

    The effects of rapid urban growth combined with the impact of climate change are creating new challenges for cities, which require better usage of information. To manage these challenges and deliver better urban services, cities need to better leverage technology, people and processes. IDB works to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality. It helps improve health and education, and advance infrastructure. As the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, it conducts extensive research; provide loans, grants, and technical assistance. We are committed to achieving measurable results and the highest standards of increased integrity, transparency, accountability and sustainability.
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    Local Governments for Sustainability – ICLEI

    ICLEI is a global network of local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development and is active in 125+ countries. ICLEI Europe supports local governments in implementing the European Green Deal, the overarching EU strategy for climate neutrality, to build more resilient and equitable communities.

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    Metropolis brings together the governments of 141 urban agglomerations worldwide. Founded in 1985, today the association is the focal point of expertise on metropolitan governance. Raising the voices of metropolises to the global agenda and building capacity to deliver public policies and services, Metropolis contributes to finding common answers to the challenges of metropolisation. We provide global leadership and advocacy to build a case for the importance of sound metropolitan governance and our programs give metropolitan communities tools they need to make better decisions. More information

    UN-Habitat is the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.

    In October 2016, at the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III – member states signed the New Urban Agenda. This is an action-oriented document which sets global standards of achievement in sustainable urban development, rethinking the way we build, manage, and live in cities. Through drawing together cooperation with committed partners, relevant stakeholders, and urban actors, including at all levels of government as well as the private sector, UN-Habitat is applying its technical expertise, normative work and capacity development to implement the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 11 – to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

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    United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) is the world organization of local and regional governments and their associations, representing and defending their interests on the world stage. UCLG’s network of members represents 70% of the world’s total population and is present in all world regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, the Middle East and West Asia, and North America; organized into 7 regional sections, 1 metropolitan section and 1 Forum of regions. This network includes over 240,000 towns, cities, regions and metropolises, and over 175 associations of local and regional governments in 140 countries. Among UCLG’s key areas of political interest are: local democracy, climate change and environmental protection, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, local finance, urban development and city diplomacy in peace building
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    With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.
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    The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.
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    The Latin American Association of Metros and Subways, ALAMYS, began its activities in 1986, in Caracas, Venezuela, to share experiences, learn and acquire standards of best practices, and become a leading group of metrorail operators in Latin America. With the passage of time, the urban rail transport systems of Spain and Portugal were integrated, forming the group of Main Partners, and then the most important technological suppliers of America and Europe joined as Adherent Partners, thus generating a constant and exclusive exchange of experiences and innovations among members.

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    The Colombian Association of Capital Cities (Asocapitales) was founded ten years ago with the stated objective of representing and defending Colombia’s capital cities’ common interests by providing spaces for open dialogue and collaboration between municipal and national authorities. Asocapitales has lately taken a new path, forming a Colombian thinktank that handles strategic issues from a subnational viewpoint and collects statistical data and research to provide guidance for decision-making. Colombia is undergoing a transformation, and new territorial mayors will be elected in 2024, which is why Asocapitales has identified three areas of concern and opportunity for partnership:

    • Transportation network enhancements.

    • Creating significant infrastructure projects

    • Connectivity and tactical urbanism

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    Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance – CNCA

    Our Mission CNCA’s mission is to mobilize transformative climate action in cities in order to achieve prosperity, social equity, resilience and better quality of life for all on a thriving planet. CNCA is committed to a just carbon neutral future that recognizes and redresses the disproportionate burdens and the disproportionate benefits of the fossil fuel economy by prioritizing climate action that advances the well-being of low-income people, Indigenous Peoples, communities of color, immigrants and refugees and other historically marginalized communities. Who We Are CNCA is an alliance of leading global cities working collaboratively to achieve carbon neutrality in the next 10-20 years while demonstrating innovative solutions and policy approaches to inspire other cities to reach carbon neutrality as quickly as possible. CNCA member cities are globally influential, have demonstrated deep carbon reductions, and are vocal leaders and risk takers. As such they advance and troubleshoot policy development collectively, share learnings and forge support networks, innovate together and build new capacity to take on emerging challenges. CNCA amplifies the successes from this collective approach, sharing widely with other city officers, stakeholders and communities and engaging a broad array of leaders in transformative climate action.

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    Centro Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Estratégico Urbano – CIDEU

    Centro Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Estratégico Urbano – CIDEU is the network of iberoamerican cities that shares and promotes the culture of urban strategic thinking. Created in 1993, it has mor than 150 members from 21 countries. The city of Bogotá, Colombia, currently holds the presidency of CIDEU, and the vice-presidency is held by the city of Mendoza, Argentina. CIDEU’s mission is to accompany iberoamerican local governments in the application of the culture of urban strategic thinking, to the design and management of projects aligned to a strategy, to achieve sustainable and inclusive cities.

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    Circular Buildings Coalition

    The transition to a circular economy in the built environment is essential to eliminate this 35% of waste, reduce pollution and circulate materials and assets at their highest value. It is also an essential enabler to decarbonisation. The Circular Buildings Coalition has been established as a vehicle to coordinate built environment stakeholders to accelerate this transition. It is an initiative of Metabolic, Circle Economy, World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with Arup, funded by the Laudes Foundation.

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    The Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, launched by the Cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona and New York in November 2018 and now with a membership of over 50 cities and organisations worldwide, is a network of cities helping each other in the greenfield of digital rights based policy-making. The Coalition is committed to promoting and defending digital rights in urban context through city action, to resolve common digital challenges and work towards legal, ethical and operational frameworks to advance human rights in digital environments.

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    The FEDERACIÓN ARGENTINA DE MUNICIPIOS is a non-profit public entity, created by Law N° 24.807, empowered to represent all municipalities in Argentina through voluntary association.


    • To establish itself as the institutional sphere of convergence for all municipalities.

    • To represent associated municipalities before national, provincial, and international authorities.

    • To defend municipal autonomy.

    • To promote programs and agreements with national and international organizations.

    • To promote improvements in municipal administration, related to planning, management control, cooperation actions, and technical assistance.

    • To strengthen the public administration of local governments and their policies through congresses, training sessions, and human resources development.

    • To spread and promote information related to the management of the associated municipalities.

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    The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is the Association of Local Entities at the state level with the greatest presence, which brings together City Councils, Provincial Councils, Councils and Island Councils, a total of 7,410, which represent more than 95% of the Spanish Local Governments. Incorporated under the provisions of the Fifth Additional Provision of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Local Regime Bases, it was declared an Association of Public Utility by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of June 26, 1985 . The FEMP is the Spanish Section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CMRE) and the official headquarters of the Ibero-American Organization for Intermunicipal Cooperation (OICI).
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    Bringing together 243 Member Organisations from 147 countries on five continents, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) is the governing body for world motor sport and the federation of the world’s leading Mobility Organisations. In Motor Sport, the FIA guarantees that events held worldwide adhere to equitable, well-regulated, and, above all, safe standards. In Mobility, the FIA strives to ensure safe, clean, affordable and accessible mobility for all global road users through strategic cooperation, global advocacy initiatives and support to local actions carried out by its Members.
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    France urbaine is the only association of city mayors and urban centers presidents in France. Its 108 members, of all political tendencies and representing some 1,300 cities, gather more than half of France’s population. France urbaine aims to promote the urban fact among public authorities and all citizens. The association takes its part in the structuring of the urban world and the attractivity of our country, within the framework of a permanent dialogue with the French Government. France urbaine is organised into colleges representing the various administrative forms of France’s urban diversity.
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    Founded in 1989, the Brazilian Association of Mayors (FNP) is the only municipal entity directed exclusively by mayors in exercise of their mandates, composed by 400 municipalities with more than 80,000 inhabitants. This number covers 100% of the capitals, 60% of the inhabitants and 75% of the country’s GDP. Among the activities of FNP is the organization of national and international events. We highlight the Municipal Meeting with Sustainable Development (EMDS), the largest local sustainable development event held in Latin America. Promoted by FNP in partnership with national and international organizations, it welcomes about 10000 people (+500 mayors) each edition. The 5th EMDS will happen in Brasilia – 26th to 28th August 2019.
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    The Global New Mobility Coalition (GNMC) seeks to accelerate a synched transition to shared, electric, connected and autonomous mobility (SEAM) solutions to provide for healthier cities, reduce carbon emissions and improve mobility efficiency while creating new business opportunities. The GNMC advances industry and policy collaboration for informing efficient, impactful, and feasible actions that can advance the vision for people-centred, compact and electrified cities. A project of the World Economic Forum, the GNMC’s methods include multistakeholder engagement, cross-sector awareness and consensus-encouraged action. The GNMC brings together a diverse range of stakeholders across the private sector, such as mobility operators, OEMs, service providers and infrastructure providers, as well as city administrations and NGOs.

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    Mercociudades was born 27 years ago with the aim of strengthening regional integration between South American local governments. Initially made up of 12 cities, this network currently has more than 370 member cities from 10 South American countries and is an outstanding reference in regional integration processes. Its initiatives and programs are oriented based on its vision of “integrated, inclusive and participatory cities”, and among its primary objectives are: improving the quality of life in the cities of the network, influencing national, regional and global agendas, stimulate the exchange of experiences; and create joint projects and policies between cities. An important milestone among its actions is the creation of the first regional program of cities for South-South cooperation.

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    NetZeroCities is a consortium consisting of 34 partners from 27 European countries, managing the EU Cities Mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030” platform. It is coordinated by EIT Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public- private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change. NetZeroCities supports the 112 European cities selected by the European Commission to join the EU Cities Mission in drastically reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality. It works as a service-oriented platform supported by world-class practitioners to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. NetZeroCities aims to enable European cities and citizens to show the way forward towards an inclusive, thriving, climate resilient and sustainable future. To do so, it tailors advanced capabilities related to systemic change, citizen engagement and democratic governance, capital and financial structuring, and social innovation, to ensure cities have access to the best expertise available anywhere in the world.

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    he Open & Agile Smart Cities & Communities network (OASC) is a global network of communities that assists local administrations of all sizes in their digital transformation. We work with our members, partners and independent experts to create sustainable impact for our communities via their digital tools and systems. We facilitate seamless sharing and re-use of digital, data-driven solutions to avoid vendor lock-in, to reduce costs and resources and improve efficiency, thanks to open standards such as the OASC Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Together with our international member cities and partner organisations and based on our core values – openness, agility and cooperation – OASC is building the foundation for a global market where digital services can scale sustainably.

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    The OSGP Alliance is the global non-profit association dedicated to promoting the adoption of the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP) and infrastructure for smart grid applications towards a future proof modern smart grid. With a key focus on security, smart metering, smart grid, grid analytics, distribution network management and smart cities our members, including utilities, hardware manufacturers, service providers and system integrators, all share a common goal and vision: promoting open standards for energy demand side management, smart grid and smart metering systems.
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    RACC is an institution that offers coverage and high-quality services to cater for the needs of more than 10 million people worldwide. As a Mobility Club, the RACC promotes a new, safer and more environment-friendly mobility culture, and encourages innovation by creating new products and services for all those who today combine all types of modes of transport, from cars to bicycles, scooters, public transport and shared transport. At the same time, the Club fosters research through its knowledge centre, the RACC Mobility Institute, and for the exchange of experiences that analyses the new mobility models and trends at the international level.

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    The Association aims to generate a dynamic between cities in order to have a “Spanish network of smart cities”. Which must promote the automatic and efficient management of urban infrastructures and services, as well as the reduction of public spending and the improvement of the quality of services, thus managing to attract economic activity and generate progress.

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    The Network of Cities of Science and Innovation (Red Innpulso), a project promoted and co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN), is the meeting forum for those municipalities with the distinction “City of Science and Innovation” that seek to advance in the definition and implementation of innovative local policies. It is currently made up of 63 city councils from all over the country.
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    Resilient Cities Network (R-Cities) is the world’s leading urban resilience network. Present in more than 100 cities, 40 countries, and 6 continents, R-Cities is a global city-led nonprofit organization that brings together knowledge, practice, partnerships, and funding to empower cities to build a safe, equitable, and sustainable future for all. We work in three primary delivery areas to support our global city network: Empowering through our network of Chief Resilience Officers (CROs) and Communities of Practice; Mobilizing through our public and private sector partnerships creating and communicating knowledge; and Implementing specific urban resilience solutions through a set of multi-city programs.
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    The Smart Cities Marketplace helps towns and cities of all sizes to create more sustainable urban environments and offers all the information needed to explore, shape and set up successful smart city projects. It offers a repository of EU climate-neutral and smart city projects and a hub for those looking to bring climate-neutral and smart city projects to the market. One of its main services is a matchmaking process to create funding opportunities and to offer a forum for knowledge exchange in dedicated focus groups. The matchmaking process includes the following services: 1. Matchmaking events 2. Matchmaking info sessions 3. Webinars 4. Financing masterclasses 5. Peer2peer exchange 6. Deal meetings 7. 1-on-1 consultancy.

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    The Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-Japan) was established in October 2019 as a private sector-led not-for-profit organization as a knowledge and public-private-academic partnership platform to promote the expansion and advancement of smart cities in Japan. We aim to expand and advance Japan’s smart cities through the following and other efforts:

    1)Collecting, analyzing, and sharing the latest information on the world’s leading smart cities and know-how for promotion; 2)Discussing, proposing, and advising for promoting smart cities in Japan; and 3)Promoting exchanges and networking between various entities related to smart cities.

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    The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, launched in 2008 in Europe, is an initiative supported by the European Commission bringing together over 11,000 of local governments that want to secure a better future for their citizens. By joining the initiative, they voluntarily commit to implementing EU climate and energy objectives to build decarbonised and resilient cities with access to affordable, secure and sustainable energy by 2050. As part of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe movement, we will continue to (1) reduce greenhouse gas emissions on our territory, (2) increase resilience and prepare for the adverse impacts of climate change, and (3) tackle energy poverty as one key action to ensure a just transition.

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    The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together the 28 countries of the European Union and 15 countries of the South and East Mediterranean. Its aim is to strengthen cooperation and dialogue across the region. Since its creation in 2008, the institution has continuously worked to promote political dialogue between its member states, including cities and local authorities, to address the aspirations of Euro-Mediterranean citizens. The roadmap adopted in 2017 underlines the key role of the UfM as a unique framework for political dialogue and regional cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area, focusing on human development (women and youth empowerment, education, research, business and employment) and sustainable development (urban development and transport, energy, climate action, water and environment).

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    The World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) is an international association of city and other local governments, smart tech solutions providers, and national and regional institutions committed to the transformation of cities into smart sustainable cities.
    WeGO’s Secretariat is based in Seoul, Korea, with regional offices in East Asia (Chengdu, China), Eurasia (Ulyanovsk, Russia), the Mediterranean (Beyoğlu, Turkey), and Latin America (Mexico City, Mexico).
    WeGO has 170+ members around the world and serves as their international platform to improve the quality of life, innovate in the delivery of public services, and strengthen regional competitiveness.

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    Amec urbis is the Spanish cluster of urban technologies that includes the main manufacturers and exporters in the fields of mobility, parking, urban landscape and water and waste treatment, offering a wide range of solutions for smart cities.
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    Architecture 2030

    Architecture 2030’s mission is to rapidly transform the built environment from the major emitter of greenhouse gases to a central solution to the climate crisis. For two decades, we’ve provided the leadership and designed the actions needed to achieve CO2 emissions reductions for a high probability of limiting planetary warming to 1.5°C. Our action plan has two objectives: Achieve a dramatic reduction in the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the built environment by 2030, and a complete phase-out of fossil fuel CO2 emissions by 2040; and, Advance the development of sustainable, resilient, equitable, and zero-carbon buildings communities and cities. We empower the building and industrial sectors to achieve these goals through: Design & Planning, Education, Policy, and Collaboration.

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    Asociación de Empresas de Mantenimiento Integral y Servicios Energéticos – AMI

    AMI is a Business Association that was born from the associative will of the leading private companies in the sector of integral maintenance and energy efficiency services in Spain. Its objective is to promote the activity of integral maintenance of buildings, as well as energy services in the economy of our country, defending free competition. AMI is a member of the CEOE and maintains a constant relationship with the Public Administrations. AMI also monitors public tenders, controlling their compliance with the LCSP (Spanish public tenders law).

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    Asociación Empresarial y Unión Patronal Metalúrgica de L´Hospitalet y Baix Llobregat – AEBALL

    AEBALL, the BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF L ‘HOSPITALET and BAIX LLOBREGAT, is, since 1984, the business association of representation, management, defense, coordination and promotion of the professional interests of companies that carry out economic activities of a general nature in their different sectors: industrial, commercial and services, within the territorial scope of L’Hospitalet and Baix Llobregat, the South of Barcelona Metropolitan Area, in constant economic and social growth. AEBALL groups more than 3,700 companies, which are located in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Baix Llobregat and generate more than 51,000 jobs, and has direct contact with more than 8,000 companies and entities in the area and Catalonia, as well as administrations public, organizations and media It is a cooperation platform: between large companies, innovative SMEs, start-ups and universities / technological centers, and promotes public-private partnership.
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    Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipamiento Urbano y Parques Infantiles – AFAMOUR

    AFAMOUR is the national business organization that represents the interests of manufacturers of street furniture and playgrounds. It was founded in Madrid as a result of the collaboration of a group of businessmen, who recognized the need to establish an association that could coordinate, represent, manage, promote and defend the general and common interests of this sector. Since its foundation in 2001, AFAMOUR has experienced a constant growth and currently comprises nearly thirty companies operating in the Spanish territory. AFAMOUR contributes to the improvement and development of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cities, through the design, manufacture, distribution and certification of playgrounds, street furniture and sports areas, as these environments are part of people’s lives in their different stages.

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    Associació Catalana de Facility Management – ACFM

    Associació Catalana de Facility Management (ACFM) is a non-profit Association, its purpose is to bring together individuals, legal entities and entities, as well as professional, sectoral or academic groups, which within their actions offer, promote or develop activities related to Facility Management (FM) in Catalonia

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    Association of Indonesian Municipalities – APEKSI

    98 city governments aim to implement regional autonomy and cooperation among regional governments in the spirit of democracy.

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    Bable Smart Cities

    BABLE Smart Cities is Europe’s leading facilitator for Smart Cities, born as a spin-off from Fraunhofer Research Society. With over a decade of experience in the field, we offer practical insights gained by practitioners, for practitioners. Our mission is to accelerate change in the public and private sectors by providing market access and knowledge. We have already facilitated €2Billion in Smart City projects with cities, towns, and regions, making us the industry experts. Our free platform connects innovators and the public sector, providing access to the most comprehensive Smart City datasets and insights in Europe. With 6+ regional offices across Europe, we combine local knowledge with global best practices to implement more projects faster. Join us on the journey to a better urban life!

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    BLOXHUB is a Nordic hub for sustainable urbanization – an ecosystem of companies, organizations, research institutions and public bodies working to create better cities. A launchpad for solutions and a gateway to new markets and partners. Through local and global partnership programs and activities, BLOXHUB help their 350+ members to connect with relevant partners, share knowledge and create new opportunities and markets. BLOXHUB is located in the heart of Copenhagen, one of the most inspiring urban environments in the world. Members interact through programs, matchmaking activities or by having their office in a co-working space in the BLOX building – a Copenhagen center for city life, architecture and sustainability.BLOXHUB is co-founded by the philanthropic foundation Realdania, the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the City of Copenhagen.

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    BUILD UP is a European project funded by CINEA. It began as a European Commission initiative in 2009 to assist Member States implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The objective of the BUILD UP web portal is to reap the benefits of Europe’s collective intelligence in energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings. It is a collaborative platform, bringing together practitioners and professional associations and motivating them to share and discover knowledge, resources, and good practices. BUILD UP also produces tailored content each month (expert interviews, webinars, articles) on sector-relevant topics, capitalising on its network of experts, projects, and organisations. BUILD UP targets professionals in the building sector with an interest in the latest technical, practical, and policy developments.

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    Chartered Institute of Building – CIOB

    For the science, ethics and practice of the built environment. For the quality of life of those using and creating our built world. For standards. For change. For people. We are the Chartered Institute of Building the world’s largest and most influential professional body for construction management and leadership. Management. Leadership. Education. Development. We train, shape and support those who make our industry what it is. Setting the standards and raising the bar since 1834. From the Houses of Parliament to the Petronas Towers. For the workers 1,200 feet off the ground. For the families turning houses into homes. We create the tools and qualifications to grow experience and confidence for a built environment that’s fit for the future.

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    Cities Forum

    CITIES FORUM is a global organization of experts stablished at UK that aims at being catalyst, working with cities and international organizations to build a more digital, green and sustainable future. What we do? • Assist local authorities and governments in the challenge of designing and implementing successful sustainable urban development policies and projects with bespoke consultancy services and technical advice. • Empower all the actors involved in creating a more sustainable future for our cities by creating a community where to foster cross learning, networking and joint initiatives and projects. • Promote urban and regional sustainable initiatives for resource efficient, low-carbon, smart and liveable cities. Facilitate public-private partnerships aimed at building smarter cities for a higher quality of life.

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    CityNet is the largest association of urban stakeholders committed to sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region. Established in 1987 with the support of UNESCAP, UNDP, and UN-Habitat, the network of cities has grown to include over 170 municipalities, NGOs, private companies, and research centres. We connect actors, exchange knowledge, and build commitment to establish more sustainable and resilient cities. Through capacity building, city-to-city cooperation, and tangible projects, we help our members respond to climate change, disasters, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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    Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya – CEEC

    The Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC) is an entity that, through collaboration with companies and associated organizations from areas such as technology, research, institutional, regulatory, industrial, informative and business, has the aim of promoting the field of energy efficiency.
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    Clúster Habitat Eficiente – AEICE

    AEICE, Clúster de Hábitat Eficiente, is a private non-profit association whose mission for the last 10 years has been to promote the competitiveness and transformation of the habitat industry through strategic actions based on innovation and business collaboration, being a meeting point for all the agents of the sector, and interrelation between them and with the different public and private actors. Its aim is to provide a collaborative response to the challenges we face as a sector and as a society, acting jointly as an agent of change through strategic actions in the fields of construction 4.0, sustainable rehabilitation, positive energy buildings and neighbourhoods, circular construction, friendly and healthy environments, the enhancement of heritage, and smart and sustainable equipment.

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    Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya- Architect’s Association of Catalonia COAC

    The Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) is an organization with a history dating back more than 80 years during which it has established itself in our society as a benchmark for architecture, enjoying both national and international prestige. The Association’s mission is to uphold the social value of architecture and town and country planning on behalf of both society and architects. In doing so, its main tasks are to: • Oversee architectural quality. • Provide a service for its member architects. • Uphold, represent and promote the work of its member architects. • Disseminate architecture both socially and culturally. The Association has more than 10,000 members and is structured in six regional offices.

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    Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports – CCCPC

    Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports is the professional association in the field of civil engineering in Catalonia and have 3.000 members out of 30,000 members throughout Spain. The association is a referent in fields like civil engineering, environment or urban and transportation planning and organize conferences, workshops and professional meetings related to these areas.
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    Col·legi Professional d’Enginyers Graduats i Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona – ENGINYERS BCN

    The Association of Technical Industrial Engineers of Barcelona (ENGINYERS BCN) is a corporation with more than 50 years of history that gather more than 5500 professionals. Its mission is to regulate, represent and defend Technical Industrial Engineering, Industrial Design and Product Development, Bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering, and the professional interests of its collegiate members. ENGINYERS BCN ensures that the legislation and the code of ethics pertinent to the profession are observed. Furthermore, the association takes part in the school curricula, by collaborating with technical schools and other relevant institutions, as well as editing technic manuals, and working closely with the public administration in all the tasks it has been assigned to.

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    Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España – CSCAE

    The Spanish Council of Architects (Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España-CSCAE) is the body that brings together at national level the regional Orders of Architects to achieve the aims of public common interest. It is also the body that represents the Orders and the profession at national level before public and private corporations, as well as before international bodies, and it is the last instance of appeal in corporate proceedings (implementation of professional ethics).

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    Consorcio Passivhaus

    We are the leading association of new passive construction. We are companies and professionals who are united by the commitment to a new way of building. We are activists and we need society as a whole. Our movement fights for the right of human beings to inhabit healthy spaces, which promote efficient and responsible consumption.

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    European Network of Living Labs – ENOLL

    The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international, non-profit, independent association of benchmarked Living Labs based in Brussels, Belgium. Living Labs are real-life test and experimentation environments that foster co-creation and open innovation among the main actors of the Quadruple Helix Model, namely: Citizens, Government, Industry and Academia. ENoLL facilitates knowledge exchange, joint actions and project partnerships between its labelled members in Europe and worldwide. The aim of the organization is to promote the Living Labs concept in order to influence EU policies, enhance Living Labs and enable their implementation at a global level.

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    European Shippers’ Council – ESC

    The European Shippers’ Council is a non-profit European organisation representing cargo owners i.e. freight transport interests of around 100.000 companies throughout Europe, whether manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers (import and export, intercontinental). Collectively they are referred to as ‘shippers’ as neutral user of transport (all modes: air; road, rail, waterborne). ESC was established in 1963. The global ESC network consists of national shippers’ associations, European commodity trade association (e.g. chemical, steel, paper) and corporate members among which well-known multinational brands (e.g. FMCG and food sector). ESC aims at creating a level playing field in Europe and between continents. As in the global logistics field, the ESC is a founding member of the Global Shippers Alliance (GSA).

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    Eurotowns was established in 1991 as the Europe-wide network for towns and cities with populations between 50.000 and 250.000. Towns and cities of this size play a significant part in the economic and social life of Europe. The Eurotowns network aims to ensure that this fact is properly reflected in the development of European legislation and promotes the interests of medium-sized cities at European level. There are currently 19 cities in membership of Eurotowns. The network supports medium-sized cities in Europe to strengthen their role as attractive, inclusive and sustainable places. Furthermore, Eurotowns provides a valuable mechanism for building reliable partnerships, developing innovative and sustainable projects, and effective collaboration on European Union funding applications.
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    Evergreen Canada connects, collaborates and catalyzes ideas into actions to shape our cities for the better. Since 1991, we’ve been facilitating change. We work with other community builders to create and apply urban development solutions to make our cities more livable, green and prosperous. The Community Solutions Network program is designed to help communities build service area capacity and improve the lives of residents using data and connected technology approaches. We help communities navigate the smart cities landscape. Our focus includes such topics as security, data, procurement, governance, and public engagement.

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    Fédération Nationale des Agences d’Urbanisme – FNAU

    The FNAU brings together all French urban planning agencies, which are shared public engineering tools working on observation, public policies, and planning at different scales. At a national and international level, the association coordinates contributions on sustainable urban and territorial development issues, on digital & climate transitions as well as on urban planning…. At the international and European level, FNAU works as a network leader by promoting the French vision of urban planning to encourage partnerships between actors abroad, by supporting French know-how in urban policies, by participating in international events and debates on urban issues and by developing exchanges with major international actors and donors, and by promoting urban agency creation and development. Specifically, it coordinates the French Partnership for Cities and Territories (PFVT) in preparation for the World Urban Forums and the global network of urban agencies (Metropolitan and Territorial Planning Agencies network MTPA-gn.

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    Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings – IWG5

    The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) works to unlock the energy savings potential of the building sector. This includes boosting the potential of existing and new buildings. IWG5 is composed of Representatives of EU and associated countries, industrial stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and research institutes.

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    Institute For European Energy and Climate Policy – IEECP

     The Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) is a non-for-profit, independent research organisation. We act as a knowledge-hub sharing pragmatic results as well as innovative ideas providing policymakers, and all private and public decision-makers, independent expertise and science-based research to support their work towards the energy transition and a sustainable future.Working since 2015 on science-based climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency and renewable energy policy, IEECP’s international interdisciplinary team of experts generating and disseminating scientific knowledge is dedicated to proposing data-driven solutions, hands-on solutions and policies as well as strategic communication.

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    Since 1965, our Society of City and Regional Planners brings together individual and institutional members from 90+ countries with the vision to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable through integrative participatory urban and territorial planning. In 2016, the Society initiated the ISOCARP Institute as a research spin-off for generating and disseminating knowledge for better cities and territories.

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    Leading Cities is a Boston-based global non-profit built on the philosophy that cities, which for the first time represent most of the world’s population, are essential to overcome our great challenges—climate change, human equity, and technology development. Originally established in 2008 at Northeastern University, it later spun off as an independent organization expanding beyond research to advance government sustainability and resiliency. Since then, Leading Cities has evolved to provide a wider range of services for governments, start-ups, and corporations. To connect its global networks, LaunchPad 11 was launched as the first metaverse ecosystem for Smart & Resilient City innovators by clustering entrepreneurs, investors, and decision-makers. Its signature program, the QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge, is considered one of the Top 3 Govtech accelerators in the world.

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    Major Cities of Europe – MCE

    Major Cities of Europe – IT Users Group is a non-profit, membership organisation whose objective is to maximise the value realised from the use of information and communication technologies in the administration of European local governments. Our objectives are achieved by:

    -Sharing of experiences and practices amongst members through an annual conference, workshops and knowledge information bases;

    -Dissemination amongst members of innovative practices from around the world;

    -Facilitating discussion and engagement amongst members;

    -Supporting the involvement of members in European projects;

    -Engaging with the private sector to learn about its experiences and projects for the local governments.

    Membership is open to local government organisations, academic institutions and not-for-profit organisations that share, support or wish to contribute to the above objectives.

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    Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Eficiencia Energética – PTE-EE

    The Spanish Technology Platform for Energy Efficiency: PTE-ee, created in 2008 at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. It brings together public bodies, research centers and companies. More than 450 entities collaborating to promote innovation and technological development in the field of energy efficiency. Our purpose is to promote innovation in energy efficiency. promote the collaboration between public entities, the scientific sector and companies to promote R&D&i. Increase opportunities for Spanish companies and institutions at an international level. To be a channel to value energy efficiency, spread good practices and propose future actions. Collaborate with public institutions to define plans and strategies national R&D&i. Generate new solutions through the promotion of R+D+i. Every year the members of the Platform create a document on Technological Initiatives Priority (ITPs). Its objective is to transfer to the public fabric the priority needs and the potential of technologies or initiatives related to energy efficiency.

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    Plataforma tecnológica Española de la Construcción – PTEC

    The Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC) was created in October 2004 with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the construction sector through cooperation between public and private entities in initiatives related to research, development and innovation (R+D+i). In 2010, PTEC was established as a Foundation and a couple of years later it was decided to professionalize its activity. The Platform develops activities in favor of promoting innovation within the construction sector. To carry them out, it has the support of its members, among which are all the relevant agents of the construction ecosystem, thus representing its entire value chain: associations, clusters, research centers, universities, technology centers and agents of the sector. knowledge, startups, SMEs and large leading companies in the sector. PTEC is one of the main driving forces in the sector and has the support of entities belonging to the public sector whose alliances and collaborations are key to facing the challenges of the sector and the priority lines of action, as well as collaborations with other national and international platforms. . PTEC belongs to the ECTP.

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    Smartech Cluster, which has about 165 members, is the Spanish cluster of companies and organizations from the entire value chain of smart homes, buildings and cities; digital transformation and Industry 4.0. In Smartech Cluster, this value chain is made up of manufacturers, application developers, engineering companies, integrators, installers, technology and training centers and universities. The main objective of the cluster is to improve the competitiveness of companies through six lines of action: generation of business opportunities, promotion of collaborative R&D&I, search for financing, training and advice, communication, and networking.
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    Founded in 1978, TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council is the shippers and BCOs association in Spain for dealing logistics and transport affairs. TRANSPRIME – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL is the main stakeholder of institutional representation, benchmarking point and the logistics reference forum. Regular meetings, seminars, presentations and activities are carried out to trigger a deep logistical knowledge based on innovation, competitiveness and continuous improvement, all done from the shippers’ unique point of view. TRANSPRIME SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL represents shippers at three levels: national, European – being the unique Spanish Delegation of the European Shippers‘Council (ESC), and at a global level, also as a delegation of the Global Shippers’ Alliance (GSA).

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    Women in BIM are a not for profit entity aimed at supporting and growing the number of women in BIM and digital related roles. Our key objectives are to enable a future construction industry where diversity is no longer an issue. Our work focuses on drawing young women into BIM and digital related careers, helping to support women working on BIM projects today, and championing and drawing visibility to female leaders in the BIM and digital space in order to grow a more diverse industry. Now in our 11th year we have members and regional representation located all over the world driving this agenda. Our database of women who work in BIM and digital are aimed to support industry events in enabling more female representation. We also aim to provide information and practical advice to support industry and governments to address diversity issues as well as promoting how diversity can support the growth and digitisation of the construction industry.

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    An ecosystem that empowers the members of its community to grow their projects. Aticco started as a coworking, and then grew as a coliving, a startup accelerator and a business angels community. Today, Aticco combines its flexible solutions to adapt to the versatility and constant evolution of the new work and lifestyle models through its brands: Aticco Workspaces, Aticco Living, AticcoLab and Aticco Ventures, bringing smart solutions to its community.

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    Institute for Futures is an open innovation community formed by leading professionals in talent, business strategy and knowledge laboratory models. We are specialists in designing experiential and immersive dynamics through different technological solutions to transform talent. We are characterized by a strong commitment to transform organizations towards a better future of work. This is our leitmotiv. Our vision is placing people at the center of organizations, generating more value and creating a community of change activators, empowering talent and cultural transformation.

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    Plug and Play is the leading innovation platform, connecting start-ups, corporations, venture capital firms, universities, and government agencies. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, we’re present in 50+ locations. We offer corporate innovation solutions and help our corporate partners in every stage of their innovation journey, from education to execution. We also organize start-up acceleration programs and have built an in-house VC to drive innovation across multiple industries where we’ve invested in hundreds of successful companies including Dropbox, Guardant Health, Honey, Lending Club, N26, PayPal, and Rappi.

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    The Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) degree is for practising professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage. With its unique combination of graduate-level UBC Faculty of Applied Science courses and UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School courses, this interdisciplinary professional master’s degree will give you the skills and confidence to take your career in new directions.

    As an MEL graduate, you’ll hit the ground running with the technical and business skills needed to excel in your career and drive innovation in your industry. 
    Connect with our recruitment team to see if the MEL is right for you!

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    Digital City Science at HCU explores urban complexity with digital technologies and develops scientific new approaches for the analysis and integrative planning of urban systems. For this purpose, the team comprises expertise in architectural design, IT and software development, among others. In cooperation with partners from academia, business, administration, and civil society, we develop data-based tools and methodologies that are applied in the national and international context. With most of our currently running projects we bring together urban planning and analysis with digitalization – in the course of which we provide urban stakeholders with tools that help turning urban data into urban qualities.

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    The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology Foundation – ITeC is a private non-profit organization. Established in 1978, we have since carried out research, design and development of technology-based products and services for the construction sector. We perform our tasks without territorial limitation and our income arises from clients billing, from voluntary contributions from the Patrons and from public and private aids. We want to be the institution that supports the construction sector with a global scale willingness to serve, a model of organization based on collaborative systems, and an approach to the whole life cycle of construction: design, construction, exploitation, maintenance, and end of life, guiding the current transformation axes of the sector: Sustainability, Digitalization, and Industrialization.

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    Xarxa AccessCat, the Accessibility Innovation Network of Catalonia, gathers 14 research groups from 10 Catalan universities to promote knowledge transfer and valorisation and become a flagship initiative on Accessibility to Information and Communication.

    Our research groups offer Technologies, Innovative Solutions, Training, and Consultancy to companies and organizations to make them more accessible, thus, more inclusive, and competitive.

    Why is accessibility a key to building smart cities?
    o It guarantees equality and social cohesion
    o It benefits everyone, not only people with disabilities, in an ever-increasingly digital world
    o It generates wealth as it adds value, offers better UX, and reduces added costs
    o It ensures compliance with legal requirements

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    SNAP 4 CITY /DISIT Lab, University of Florence, Department of Information Engineering

    DISIT lab and research group is active since 1994. It is one of the most active ICT labs of the University of Florence, metropolitan Tuscany area. DISIT successfully developed a relevant number of International and National solutions and participated to several RnD projects. DISIT Lab coordinated Snap4City framework and action and maintaine maintain operative the infrastructure ( ). Snap4City framework is a consolidated open source solution to set up and accelerate the creation of a large range of smart city control systems, applications and decision support systems exploiting heterogeneous data, performing data analytics, and enabling services for stakeholders by IOT/IOE, data analytics and big data technologies, exploiting artificial intelligent and (X)AI technologies for predictions, anomaly detections, what-if analysis, early warning, KPIs, etc.

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    Federal University of Espírito Santo

    The Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), founded on May 5, 1954, is located in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Ufes offers 103 on-campus undergraduate courses and allocates approximately 5,004 spots for students annually. At the graduate level, there are 62 academic and professional master’s programs and 32 doctoral programs. The university employs around 1,800 permanent professors and 2,000 administrative technicians. Currently, approximately 20,000 students are enrolled in its undergraduate programs, while 3,500 are part of the postgraduate courses. In terms of scientific and technological research, Ufes is involved in about 500 ongoing projects. Furthermore, the university is engaged in 650 extension projects that impact approximately 3.5 million people.

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    The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. The UPC applies university research to innovation in business to develop comprehensive, multidisciplinary and turnkey technology solutions, and to offer companies a wide range of technological capabilities to develop projects in areas like advanced manufacturing technologies, ICT, materials, energy and environment, health, infrastructures, mobility and logistics, chemistry and food, and urbanism and sustainability. Due to our excellent research track record, the UPC’s knowledge spans a wide technological spectrum. We have strong expertise in datafication, blockchain, quantum computing, extended reality, digital twins, governance, living & inclusion, integrated infrastructures & sustainable buildings, economy and safety & security.

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    Since 2008, the world’s most visited architecture website, ArchDaily serves as main source of architectural knowledge and inspiration for people all around the globe. Publishing up-to-date information on latest architectural projects and solutions, ArchDaily is proud to help build better homes and cities and be a useful tool on the way to a better world. 

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    Dezeen is the world’s most popular and influential architecture, interiors and design magazine, with over three million monthly readers and six million social media followers. Its mission is to bring the audience a carefully edited selection of the best architecture, design and interiors projects and news from around the world.

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    Hospitecnia is an architecture, engineering and hospital management portal founded at the end of 2001. It is a digital project created to bring together and disseminate the maximum volume of functional and technological knowledge in the hospital sector, and today it is one of the main platforms for the link between hospitals, design professionals, and healthcare service providers. Currently, Hospitecnia has more than 55,000 registered users, mainly with a technical and technical management profile. Every week, Hospitecnia sends a thematic newsletter with technical articles and the latest news and developments to about 22,000 people related to the hospital sector, including hospital infrastructure managers, maintenance staff, engineers and architects. In addition, Hospitecnia acts as a training platform, with the organization of courses related to hospital engineering, technology, management and architecture.


    PROJETO ( is one the most important and traditional brazilian architectural magazines, with more than 45 years of existence. It’s both a printed and digital magazine.

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    Smart Building Mag deals with the latest technological trends, as well as latest innovations in building automation, energy efficiency, EPBD. It’s a leading technical portal, in Spanish, aimed at engineers. It is part of Induportals Media Publishing, which comprises 78 media outlets in 25 different languages. Its international team of 10 editors covers content on product developments, success stories, practical applications and technical articles, as well as in-depth analysis of the latest engineering trends.

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    Tectónica is an ambitious project of knowledge and dissemination of the architectural work understood in all its complexity, covering both the project and the entire process of its constructive resolution in order that the broad spectrum of professionals who make up the sector find the specific solution you are looking for, whether it is a complex construction detail, the ideal material for a finish or contact with another professional.

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    Held within the framework of Smart City Expo World Congress, Tomorrow.Building World Congress aims to catalyze a positive change in the way we plan, construct, renovate and operate buildings and urban infrastructures. We accelerate a shift in the built environment towards a circular and digitalized model that ensures efficiency, resilience and net zero cities. 

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    Tomorrow.Blue Economy is the new global summit dedicated to promoting and developing the potential of the Blue Economy. It has celebrated its first edition within the framework of Smart City Expo World Congress 2022.

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